For my senior thesis project, I pursued the topic of mental health awareness and advocacy.
Face How You Feel: Zines on Mental Health uses stories and self-care exercises to bring awareness and advocate for mental health care. The zine, Stories on Mental Health, features a collection of stories from young adults who share their mental health experiences and struggles. Its companion zine, A Self-Care Journal, contains self-reflecting journal prompts for readers to respond to, along with walk-through meditation exercises. Using photo manipulation and digital illustration to create a captivating reading experience, this set of zines aims to encourage young adults to actively take care of their mental health and recognize that they are not alone.
Pecha Kucha Presentation
Pecha Kucha began in Tokyo in the early 2000s as a way for designers to get together and share their work. My Pecha Kucha presentation was put together during my first semester of Thesis in November 2022. My project evolved since this presentation, but it gives a general overview of my goals and takeaways for this project.

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